Run Roadrash in Windows 7 without Color Issues

Run Roadrash in Windows 7 without Color Issues


When you upgrade your Operating System to Windows 7 or Windows 8, the good old games you have in your hard drive may show some graphics or color issues when you try to run them. These games include Roadrash, Age of empire etc. Let's see a working resolution for this problem.

The game with color issues will look like this:


Follow the below simple steps to resolve this problem:

1. Go to ' Notepad ' or any other text editor.

2. Type (or copy and paste) the below lines exactly:

taskkill /F /IM explorer.exe
start explorer.exe

3. Click ' File > Save as '.

4. File name : ROADRASH.bat

5. Select ' All Files ' in the save as type drop down menu.

6. Save the file in the installation directory. It is the directory where you find the ' ROADRASH.exe ' file.

7. It will be usually ' C:\Program Files\Road Rash '.

8. Double Click ' ROADRASH.bat ' to run the game.

Now you can see the color issue being resolved.


Oscar perez

Arquitecto especialista en gestion de proyectos si necesitas desarrollar algun proyecto en Bogota contactame en el 3006825874 o visita mi pagina en

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